Psychodynamic Tehcniques by Karen Maroda: A Book Review
Here is another review of one of Karen Maroda’s amazing books.
System Speaks: Guest, Peter Barach
Check out this wonderful podcast and resource for Dissociative Identity Disorder, Multiple Personality Disorder, and other Dissociative Disorders. This is an amazing podcast that is full of amazing episodes on living with DID and psychotherapy and psychology focused dislocation and its impact on those affected by it. This is a great episode with Dr. peter Barach.
Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy: A Book Review
Here is another review of another foundational text.
The Role of the Inferior Function
Check out this episode on the role of the inferior function by This Jungian Life. It dioceses the role of inferior function and complexes in life and psychotherapy.
Psychoanalytic Diagnosis: A Book Review
Check out this review of a wonderful book for therapists.
4 Underrated Tools for Managing Anxiety
Check out these 4 tools for managing anxiety from Dr. Tracy Marks’s video.These are great tools as an adjunct to psychotherapy for anxiety, and can be some of what you gain from counseling.
Psychoanalytic Case Formulation: A Book Review
Another must-read for anyone untested in the work of therapy.
Illusion, Disillusionment, and Irony in Psychoanalysis
Check out this great work by John Steiner.
Psychic Retreats: A Book Review
Check out this wonderful book by John Steiner calle d Psychic Retreats. A definite must read!
Courageous Speech and Disciplined Spontaneity
Here I discuss the importance of Courageous Speech and Disciplined Spontaneity in therapy.
Repitition and Working Through
Repetition is an important aspect in therapy, and is a part of the process of working through to healing.
The Here and Now, and There and Then
Both the past and present are important aspects of exploration in therapy. Here is a blog post focusing on both and how they show up, and how they are held in the therapeutic space.
Deep Listening/Affective Attunement
Here I focus on deep listening and affective attainment in therapy.
Therapeutic Intent
Here is why intent is important in psychotherapy for both the therapist and patient.
The Core Competencies of Relational Psychodynamic Therapy
Here is a blog about the core competencies in relational psychotherapy.
Diagnostic Analysis
Here is an example of how a therapist builds a diagnostic case formulation. This one is based on a book, and is from my graduate studies.
What Social Isolation Does to Your Brain
Here’s a great video by Dr. Marks on the ill-effects of social isolation.